JOHN R. BORCHERT (1998) Quick links to sections of the vitae:
Academic Education and Experience Professional Service and Honors Partial List of Committee Service
Academic Education and Experience
A.B., DePauw University, 1941 M.A., University of Wisconsin, 1946 Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1949
Instructor, University of Wisconsin, 1947-49 Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota, 1949-51 Associate Professor, University of Minnesota, 1951-56 Professor, University of Minnesota, 1956-81 Regents' Professor, University of Minnesota, 1981- Chairman, Department of Geography, University of Minnesota, 1956-61 Project Director (with Professor Philip M. Raup), Minnesota Highway Research Project, 1958-61 Urban Research Director, Upper Midwest Economic Study, 1961-63 Associate Dean, Graduate School, University of Minnesota, 1965 Special Assistant to the Vice President for Educational Relationships and Development, University of Minnesota, 1966-68 Director, Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, University of Minnesota, 1968-77
Geography applied to public policies in land use and resource management
Association of American Geographers American Geographical Society American Association of University Professors National Council for Geographic Education Urban Land Institute
Professional Service and Honors
Chairman, West Lakes Division, Association of American Geographers, 1952 Member of numerous committees of the Association of American Geographers Member, NAS-NRC Committee Advisory to Geography Branch, Office of Naval Research, 1953-56; Chairman, 1955-56; Member, 1963-66 Elected Member, Council of Association of American Geographers, 1963-66 Director-at-Large, Social Science Research Council, 1965-67 Member, Social Science Advisory Committee, National Science Foundation, 1966-69 Chairman, Earth Sciences Division, National Research Council, 1967-69 Vice President, Association of American Geographers, 1967-68 President, Association of American Geographers, 1968-69 Chairman, NAS-NRC Committee on Geography, 1970-72 Numerous committees of the National Research Council, 1955-present Recipient of Eugene Van Cleef Gold Medal for Contributions to Urban Geography, American Geographical Society, 1971 Member, Environmental Sciences Advisory Committee, National Science Foundation, 1971-74 Member, Science Advisory Panel, U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Public Works, 1974-76 Citation for Meritorious Contribution to Geography, Association of American Geographers, 1976 Elected Member, National Academy of Sciences, 1976 Elected Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1976 Member, Environmental Studies Board, NAS-NAE, 1977-80 Member and Vice-Chairman, Commission on Environmental Problems, International Geographical Union, 1976-80 Member, Editorial Board of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1979-84 Member, NAS-NRC Committee on Surface Mining and Reclamation; chairman, Panel on Iron Mining, 1977-79 Member, NAS-NRC Transportation Research Board, 1982-88 Member, U.S. National Committee for the International Geographical Union, 1981-88; Chair, 1985-88 Member, NAS-NRC Committee on National 55 MPH Speed Limit, 1983-84 Master Teacher Award, National Council for Geographic Education, 1984 Member, NAS-NRC Committee on Abandoned Mine Land, 1985-86 John Brinckerhoff Jackson Award, Association of American Geographers, 1988
Member, Planning Commission, Golden Valley, Minnesota, 1951-60; Chairman, 1955-57 Member, Twin Cities Metropolitan Planning Commission, 1957-59 Member, Advisory Committee on Social Sciences to Minnesota Department of Education, 1958-64; organizer of the committee and Chairman, 1958-61 Member, Minnesota State Pollution Control Agency Board, 1967-71 Member, Program Advisory Committee, Minnesota Higher Education Coordinating Commission, 1968-76 Member, Minnesota-Wisconsin Boundary Area Commission, 1973-81 Member, Board of Directors, Upper Midwest Council, 1974-79 Regional Citizen of the Year Award, Twin Cities Metropolitan Council, 1985 Member, Advisory Committee on Metropolitan Airport Development, Twin Cities Metropolitan Council, 1988 Member, Board of the Minnesota State Community College System, 1990-
Environmental Research Division, Office of the Quartermaster General, 1950-55 Minnesota Highway Department, intermittently 1954-1985 Hennepin County (Minneapolis area) Highway Department, 1956 St. Paul Planning Board, 1957-58; Minneapolis City Planning Commission, 1985 Minnesota Board of Education, intermittently through 1976 St. Paul Board of Education, intermittently through 1976 Minnesota Natural Resources Council, 1962 Minnesota Resources Commission (standing Committee of the Legislature), 1964-1985, 1988 St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority, 1965-66 Senate Highway Committee, Minnesota Legislature, 1966; House Transportation, 1985 Minnesota State Planning Agency, 1966-67, 1975-77, 1985 U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration Regional Economic Development Institute, Summer 1967 National Science Foundation, Division of Social Sciences, 1967-69 Minnesota Department of Energy and Economic Development, 1985-86
Partial List of Committee Service
Social Sciences Divisional Council Curriculum Committee Teacher Internship Advisory Committee Executive Committee, Social Sciences Divisional Council Urban Studies Committee Single Quarter Leave Screening Committee Assembly Planning and Policy Committee Budget Advisory Committee Advisory Committee on Institutional Relationships
Senate Faculty Consultative Committee to the President Senate Educational Policy Committee All-University Committee on Foreign Student Fellowships University Computer Facilities Committee Water Resources Institute Senate Committee on Institutional Research (Chair) University Debate and Oratory Committee Senate Committee on Student Affairs Senate Committee on Audio Visual Education Consultant to Business Vice President on University Lands All-University Advisory Committee on Natural Resources
Advisory Committee, Ford Intern and Fellowship Program Committee on Professional Education of Secondary School Teachers (College of Education) Graduate School Group Committee Executive Committee, SSRC (University of Minnesota) Lecture Committee, SSRC (University of Minnesota) Search Committee, Director, School of Public Affairs (Chair) Search Committee, Director, Water Resources Research Center Ad hoc Committee on Organization of University Extension Programs Planning Work Group for Hubert H. Humphrey Institute (Chair) Interim Director, Humphrey Institute History Department Internal Review Search Committee, Dean, Institute of Technology Search Committee, Gibson Chair in Hydrogeology
"A New Map of Climates of China," Annals of the Association of American Geographers (37) 1947, pp. 169-76. "The Agriculture of England and Wales: 1939-45," Agricultural History (22) 1948, pp. 56-62. "The Climate of the Central North American Grasslands," Annals of the Association of American Geographers (40) 1950, pp. 1-49. "Regional Differences in the World Atmospheric Circulation," Annals of the Association of American Geographers (43) 1953, pp. 14-26. "The Surface Water Supply of American Municipalities," Annals of the Association of American Geographers (44) 1954, pp. 15-32. (Reprinted in Readings in Urban Geography, edited by Harold M. Mayer and Clyde F. Kohn, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1959, pp. 569-84.) A Look at Minnesota Industry, St. Paul: Minnesota Education Association, 1954, 24 pp., maps, illustrations. (Reprint of series of nine articles from the Minnesota Journal of Education.)A Recconnaissance Atlas of Minnesota Agriculture, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Department of Geography and Minnesota Council for Geographic Education, 1955 (1st edition), 60 maps plus 22 pp. "The Long Range Outlook for Energy Resources," in Minnesota's Tomorrow, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Social Science Research Center, 1956, pp. 22-32. "The Outlook for Major Shifts in Resource Development," Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Area Development Conference, Edison Electric Institute, New York: Edison Electric Institute, 1956, pp. 55-60. A Reconnaissance Atlas of Minnesota Agriculture, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Department of Geography and Minnesota Council for Geographic Education, 1958 (2nd edition), 100 maps plus 30 pp. Economic Impact of Highway Development in Minnesota (with Donald D. Carroll, Philip M. Raup, and James Schwinden), Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Highway Research Project, 1958, 86 pp., maps, illustrations. The Twin Cities, New York: Doubleday and Co., for the American Geographical Society, 1959, 64 pp., maps, illustrations. Minnesota's Changing Geography, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1959, v plus 191 pp., maps, illustrations. Belt Line Commercial-Industrial Development: A Case Study in Minneapolis- St. Paul Metropolitan Area, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Highway Research Project, 1960, 83 pp., maps, illustrations. "Industrial Water Use in the United States," Przeglad Geograficzny (Polish Geographical Review) (32) 1960, pp. 63-83. A Quarter Century of Change in the Finland Community of Northeastern Minnesota, Duluth: University of Minnesota, Social Science Research Fund, 1960, 16 pp., maps. "The Twin Cities Urbanized Area: Past, Present, Future," Geographical Review (51) 1961, pp. 47-70. "Time Series Maps for the Projection of Land-Use Patterns" (with Donald D. Carroll), 40th Annual Highway Research Board Meetings, Bulletin 311, Washington: National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 1961, pp. 13-26. Geography of the New World, Chicago: Rand McNally and Co., 1961, viii plus 448 pp., maps, illustrations. Geography of the Old World, Chicago: Rand McNally and Co., 1961, viii plus 488 pp., maps, illustrations. "The Soviet City," in Robert T. Holt and John E. Turner, The Soviet Union: Paradox and Change, New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1962, Ch. 2, pp. 35-61. The Urbanization of the Upper Midwest: 1930-1960, Minneapolis: Upper Midwest Economic Study, 1963, 56 pp. Trade Centers and Trade Areas of the Upper Midwest (with Russell B. Adams), Minneapolis: Upper Midwest Economic Study, 1963, 44 pp. The Why and How of Community Planning: Comparative Studies of Fourteen Upper Midwest Cities (with Thomas L. Anding, Donald V. Klein, Ellis Waldron and C. Lee Gilbert), Minneapolis: Upper Midwest Economic Study, 1963, 45 pp. Urban Renewal: Needs and Opportunities in the Upper Midwest (with Earl E. Stewart and Sherman S. Hasbrouck), Minneapolis: Upper Midwest Economic Study, 1963, 40 pp. Urban Dispersal in the Upper Midwest (with Thomas L. Anding and Morris Gildemeister), Minneapolis: Upper Midwest Economic Study, 1964, 24 pp. Projected Urban Growth in the Upper Midwest (with Russell B. Adams), Minneapolis: Upper Midwest Economic Study, 1964, 34 pp. "Minnesota Municipalities: 1975 Projections and Possibilities," Minnesota Municipalities (49) 1964, pp. 236-39, 257. Comments on The Science of Geography (Report of the NAS/NRC ad hoc Committee on Geography) in "The President's Session", Professional Geographer 17: 4 (July 1965), pp. 32-35. "The Dimensions of Geography in the School Curriculum," Journal of Geography (44:6) September 1965, pp. 244-49. (Reprinted in Cartocraft Research Studies Series, Denoyer-Geppert Co., Chicago, May 1966.) Minnesota Land Ownership (with Waldemar Anderson and Roland Olson), St. Paul: Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Resources Commission, State Legislature, 1965, 100 pp. Report Number One: Research Summary and Recommendations (with F. Robert Edman), St. Paul: Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Commission, State Legislature, 1966, 80 pp. "American Metropolitan Evolution," Geographical Review (57:3) 1967, pp. 301- 32. "Geography and Systems Theory," Chapter 18 in Saul Cohen (ed.), Problems and Trends in American Geography, New York: Basic Books, 1967, pp. 264-73. Minnesota Population and State Planning, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Center for Urban and Regional Affairs and Minnesota State Planning Agency, 1968, 100 pp. Upper Midwest Urban Change in the 1960s, Minneapolis: Upper Midwest Research and Development Council, 1968, 47 pp., maps, illustrations. "Remote Sensors and Geographical Science", Professional Geographer (20:6) November 1968, pp. 371-375. "Remote Sensors and Geographical Science," Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Symposium on Remote Sensing, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan. (Reprinted in The Professional Geographer, 1969.) Atlas of Minnesota Resources and Settlement (with Donald P. Yaeger), St. Paul: Minnesota State Planning Agency, 1969, 262 pp., map folders. Minnesota's Lakeshore (with George W. Orning and others), Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Department of Geography, 1970, 72 pp., maps, tables. "Geography in Action" (editorial), Journal of Geography (59:5), 1970. Minnesota Land Use and Settlement 1985 (with Donald D. Carroll), Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, 1971, 43 pp., maps, tables. "The Dust Bowl in the 1970s," Annals of the Association of American Geographers (61) 1971, pp. 1-22. (Association of American Geographers presidential address, 1970.) "America's Changing Metropolitan Regions," Annals of the Association of American Geographers (62:2) June 1972, pp. 352-73. "The Emerging New Metropolis," Northwest Architect (36:5) September-October 1972, pp. 186-90. State of Minnesota: Land Use (computerized 9-color comprehensive land use map of Minnesota showing data for ca. 1.3 million 40-acre parcels) (with George Orning and others), Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Center for Urban and Regional Affairs and Minnesota State Planning Agency, 1972. "Toward a State Growth Policy," Northwest Architect (37:1) January-February 1973, pp. 11ff. "Growth Centers: Their Identification and Characteristics," in Growth Centers of Wisconsin, Eau Claire: University of Wisconsin and American Institute of Planners, 1973, pp. 1-14. Public College Enrollment in Minnesota's Changing Population Pattern 1970-1985 (with Thomas Mortenson and Arnold Alanen), Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, 95 pp., maps, tables, 1973. Perspective on Minnesota Land Use - 1974, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, 1974, 56 pp., maps, tables. "The Climax of the River Boat Era," Design Quarterly, special issue on The River: Images of the Mississippi, 1976, pp. 20-21. "Entrepreneurship and Future Employment in Minnesota," St. Paul: Minnesota State Planning Agency, 1975, 18 pp., tables, maps. (Reprinted in Minnesota Industrial Development, December 1976.) "Major Control Points in American Economic Geography," Annals of the Association of American Geographers (68:2) June 1978, pp. 214-232. "The Experience of the Minnesota Land Management Information System," in Report of the Sino-American Workshop on Land Use Planning, Taipei: National Science Council, 1979, pp. 389-414. Taxes and the Minnesota Community, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, 1979, 34 pp. Atlas of Minnesota Resources and Settlement (with Neil C. Gustafson), Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Center for Urban and Regional Affairs/St. Paul: Minnesota State Planning Agency, 1980, xiii and 309 pp.. "Geography and Environmental Controls in the United States: the Case of Surface Mining," Proceedings of the Third Scientific Symposium of the IGU Commission on Environmental Problems, Moscow: Academy of Science of the USSR, 1980, pp. 188-97. "Geographical Shifts in Midwestern Population in the Twentieth Century," Ch. 2 in Curtis Roseman (ed.), Population Redistribution in the Mid-west, Iowa State University: North Central Regional Center for Rural Development, 1981, vii and 333 pp., (pp. 25-48). "Major Environmental Effects of U.S. Metropolitan Expansion," in Proceedings of the Symposium of the IGU Commission on Environmental Problems, Tokyo, 1980, Moscow: Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1984 (in English), pp. 14-17. "Instability in American Metropolitan Growth," Geographical Review (73:2) April 1983, pp. 124-46. "Geography's Relationships with the Community and Region," Educational Resource Information Center Reports (microfiche), February 1983; and abstr. in Resources in Education, U.S. GPO, February 1983. "The Environmental Effects of Economic Development of Natural Resources," Proceedings of the 1983 Minnesota Horizons Legislative Seminar, St. Paul: Minnesota State Documents Center, 1983. pp. 18-19. "American Land Use in a National Perspective," in Geography and Regional Policy, Werner Fricke (ed.), Heidelberger Gegraphische Arbeiten, Vol. 73, Gottingen, 1983 (in English), pp. 21-37. Legacy of Minneapolis: Preservation Amid Change (with David Gebhard, David Lanegran, and Judith Martin), Minneapolis: Voyageur Press, 1984, X + 195 pp., maps, photographs. "Geography and State-Local Public Policy," (in symposium on Geography and Public Policy), Annals of the Association of American Geographers (75:1), March 1985, pp. 1-4. "Preserving Metro Area Farmland: A Survey and Perspective" (with Darrell E. Napton), CURA Reporter, U. of M. Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, January 1986, pp. 1-7. "Persistent Places and Paths on the Midwestern Plain," Journal of Geography (87:5) Sept-Oct 1986, pp. 218-223. "Issues Surrounding the National Inventory" (with L.V.A. Sendlein); "Natural Processes and Reclamation"; "Land Use and Development Patterns" (with P. Hagenstein); and "The Role of Land Use Considerations in Setting Priorities," pp. 55-57, 70-71, and 76-82, respectively, in Abandoned Mine Lands: A Mid-Course Review of the National Reclamation Program for Coal, Washington: National Academy of Sciences Press, 1986. America's Northern Heartland, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1987, xiii+250pp., maps, photographs. A Census-Geographical Profile of the Northwest Area (with William J. Craig), Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Department of Geography and Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, 1987, 24pp., maps, tables. (Report to the Northwest Area Foundation; portions included as introduction to the Foundation's 1987 Annual Report.) "Maps, Geography, and Geographers," in Professional Geographer (Views and Opinion section), (39:4), November 1987, pp. 387-389. Revenues and Expenditures of State and Local Governments in the NorthwestArea: a Cen-sus-Geographical Profile (with William J. Craig), Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Department of Geography and Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, 1988, 12pp., maps, tables. (Report to the Northwest Area Foundation.) "In Memoriam: Glenn T. Trewartha, 1896-1984" (with Richard Hartshorne), in Annals of the Association of American Geographers (78:4), December 1988, pp. 728-735. "GIS: Science, Application, Coherence," Proceedings of the National Conference on GIS/LIS, Washington, D.C.: American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (for the sponsoring organizations), 1990, pp. 830-842. Megalopolis: Washington to Boston, New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1992, 180 pp., maps, photographs. "Futures of American Cities," Ch. 12, pp. 218-250, in John Fraser Hart (ed.), Our Changing Cities, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991, xv+261 pp., maps, photographs. Real Property Values in the Heart of the Upper Midwest (with William Casey), Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, 1994, 43 pp. "Heyday of the Railway Post Office in Minnesota," Minnegazette (quarterly of the Minnesota Transportation Museum), Winter 1997, pp. 18-34. |