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To all our friends and family:
We know many of you probably thought we vanished from earth for the last few
but really we just got caught up in an accelerating pace of kid's activities,
our work,
graduate school, and extended families. Rather than even try to describe
everything we
have done, we thought a few scenes from the life of the Borcherts might be
July 1992: We are camped among the inspiring redwoods of Northern
California after a
drive up the coast from San Francisco. The lush ancient forest gives way
to a low
canopy of evergreen shrubs sculpted by the winds off of the Pacific, then clean
sand and an infinite expanse of blue ocean. Three children from
distant Minnesota
frolic at the waters edge, digging up vast mountains of sand and carving them
fantasy landscapes. A scene of trouble free
Better watch out Tom, sand is an excellent abrasive. If you dig furiously
for hours with
your bare hands, you might miss all those layers of skin on your sensitive
finger tips. It
brings back memories of the nightly changing of the bandages on Tom's hands for
next week.
Was someone missing from that divine scene of forest, sand and surf? Why
Pat of
course, busy hobbling around a Laundromat on crutches washing sleeping bags and
blankets and apparently most of the contents of our rented mini-van. The
scenic curves
of California Highway 1 had claimed a victim. "Motion
discomfort" has afflicted our
smallest passenger... on a full stomach... everywhere. It could have been
worse, it could
have been our car.
But what about Pat! Crutches? Hobbling? This sad tale dates
back to our first full day
in San Francisco. A busy schedule of events was planned., the beach, the
zoo, and so
on. One misstep off of a high curb and a hospital emergency room replaced
on the schedule after beach. Supported by crutches and an ankle brace Pat
hobbled through a ten day car-camping trip from the redwoods to Crater Lake to
Lassen to Yosemite and finally Big Sur. By the time she put her feet back
up on her
desk at work they were almost the same size.
February 1993: In the basement 10 kids on two different Odyssey of the
Mind teams are
busily sewing costumes, bolting together inventions, and painting props.
Through a
remarkably inefficient trial and error process, a variety of mechanical
inventions are
evolving down in the "OM dungeon". A robotic dinosaur blinks,
waves his arms, wags
his tail, and chews with his mouth open.. For what seems like the
millionth time a kid-
made wooden gear fails to work the way it's supposed to in a ratchet drive for a
Will it work in time for competition.......? Read on!
Meanwhile, upstairs our old kitchen has been converted into a pile of rubble in
driveway. Pat's brother Paul busily works on our kitchen remodeling
while living in his
camper out in our driveway. In a convergence of the Sand relations, Pat's
father, Carl,
takes up temporary residence in Karen's room while he recovers from a serious
and Pat's mother, Doris, enters a nursing home a few miles south of our house as
Alzheimer's progresses. Meanwhile, Pat is still keeping up with her
finishing her second year in a 2-yr. Master's degree program in Management of
Technology. Maybe she should be applying her course in Project Management
figuring out how to run this chaotic household.
Luckily, we both still have challenging, fun jobs in the ever-changing computer
industry. Ah, but is that Dave, shuffling into work, unshaven and wearing
his bath-
robe? The floor of his office is carpeted with waste paper and the desk is
a jumble of
modems, computer equipment, file folders, and coffee cups. We are
witnessing the
brave new world of tele-commuting and it is NOT pretty. And what about Pat
- after
taking off four weeks to take care of her parents, Pat returned back to Empros,
discovered that when Siemens buys her division of Control Data in March of '93,
are going to shut down the development effort she has been managing for the last
years and make Empros use the almost equivalent Siemens product. What a
deal !
Well, that didn't sound like much fun, and Pat didn't have much to do anyway, so
went looking for a different job in her spare time.
In the most remarkable example of dogged persistence and inventiveness we have
witnessed, Carl went from wheel chair to walker to cane to walking. The
course of OM props and toys that usually confronted him outside his room
helped sharpened his navigational skills. Every task performed out of
habit had become
a challenging problem to solve. It was an amazing process of adaptation
and innovation
to watch as he regained his independence. Faced with a daunting and
uncertain task, we
never sensed any frustration or disappointment from Carl, only determination and
optimism. By summer, Carl drove back to his home on Lake Mille Lacs, where
he is
enjoying his independence and a peace and quiet that are hard to find in our
Doris' Alzheimer's has been relatively stable for many months now. Despite
memory loss she still has a great sense of humor and is showing real joy and
for others (including her favorite squirrel puppet she has declared her
"baby") - a bit of a
shift for this particular Scandinavian.
Back to the OM teams! The dinosaurs of Tom's OM team nosed out the
competition at
the regional competition, which promoted them to the Minnesota state competition
(remember the Peter Principle?). The vehicle for Mike's team almost
performed well
enough to propel them into first place at the regional competition... but not
quite. If
they had just rebuilt that gear one more time......
And the kitchen. Spank'n new and up to date in every way! But,
following the
immutable laws of home remodeling and project management, late and over
July, 1993: Look at the happy crew starting out on their family vacation
on a Sunday
afternoon. Tom is happy because his soccer team just finished first in his
league for the
second year in a row. Karen is ecstatic because when she returns, she gets
to live a girl's
"dream come true" - to feel like a princess as a flower girl in a
wedding. Pat is happy to
leave behind the chaotic work environment endemic to a small, rapidly growing
software development company she recently joined. Mike is looking forward
to fishing,
and Dave to some quiet reading. But what happens when we look closer....
The parents are exhausted from staying up until 3 am packing. Tom's
happiness about
soccer this year wasn't complete, since he played most of the season with a 4
cm. sliver
in his foot (leftover from an injury sliding across an unfinished floor -
remember the
kitchen project?).
After a few hours, it starts to rain. Good, then the vegetables won't need
watering while
we are gone. Of course, there aren't many vegetables planted this year,
since Dave was
so busy running the whole household while Pat finished school. But that's
okay, since
the weather's been so cold and wet that most of the plants rotted anyway (and
didn't rot was eaten by the woodchuck), and the garden is now mostly crabgrass.
Back to the trip - it starts out with a rainy night in Ely, followed by clouds,
wind and
strong suggestions from the ranger to plan a less aggressive trip, since the
portages are
all a muddy mess, and storms are a daily occurrence. Thinking back on how
"good luck" we had on our last family vacation (remember San
Francisco?), we took his
suggestion, and we had a relaxing 9-day trek through Quetico.
Now it is Christmas, 1993: Everyone is healthy. Life is still
hectic, but not completely
out of control. Each child has special interests, both parents are
gainfully employed, the
house is warm (and not under construction), and we enjoy each other's
company. What
more could we want?
