When this web site started, our family consisted of two parents, three children, two cats, and a world of birds and bunnies that live outside. It also included such tangible items as multiple barely running cars and a home in Golden Valley. More importantly, it also includes various grandparents, extended family members, friends and neighbors who are part of our life. Without them, we would not truly be a complete family.
We moved to Duluth, MN in the summer of 2005. Now our daily family is just Dave and I, and our two cats, Spooky and Streaky. Our extended family is shrinking (less parents) and growing (grandchildren). Here are a few more glimpses of our life:
2005 through 2006: Letter, Pictures, and Captions to the Pictures
2007 through Summer Solstice, 2008: Letter, Pictures
And, for 2009, a calendar of the time we will be in Birmingham, England.
We have been involved in creative problem solving programs since 1989. Originally, it was with Odyssey of the Mind, and more recently, Destination Imagination. We have coached all of Mike's and Tom's teams, and most of Karen's teams. Here are some highlights from a few of those years. For more recent years, see Karen's web page, especially those highlighting her teams. For a complete list of the years and the problems done by our kids, look here. (This is very much out of date, since Karen's teams have competed every year, from 1999 to 2004, going to global finals four times. Someday, I will update this page.)
Karen participated through 2004. The three of us have continued on, as judges. It has been fun.